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Václav Vislous is a seasoned manager and municipal politician from Prague who is a passionate advocate for sustainability. He holds a degree in economics from Charles University in Prague and HEC Paris, with a focus on energy, sustainable mobility, and economic competitiveness. Currently, Václav is the Product Owner at CO2IN, a pioneering initiative that aims to transform the carbon credit market by addressing its key challenges: quality and scalability. By leveraging the robust EU ETS allowances framework, CO2IN creates and certifies a new generation of carbon credits, offering a credible and scalable solution for voluntary carbon offsetting. Václav is multilingual, speaking seven European languages fluently. He is an actor in an amateur theater, a fan of electric vehicles, yoga and enjoys playing the guitar. He also has a passion for diving.
Where to see Václav?
Keynote: Investing in a Sustainable Future: Strategies and Best Practices
14:20 - 14:30 PM