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Ondrej has more than ten years of experience in ESG, particularly in the areas of non-financial reporting, carbon footprint management and sustainable supply chain. He also co-developed the ESG Management Solution, a web application that transforms clients' raw and scattered ESG data into valuable assets ready for reporting.
PwC's mission is to build trust in society and solve important problems. As climate change is probably the most important issue our society is facing today, we are naturally very active in this area. From many angles: decarbonising our own business, developing strategies to tackle climate change, and helping our clients meet new challenges and regulations. Sustainability, decarbonisation and business transformation in general are the core of our services. PwC is also a founding member of Climate & Sustainable Leaders Czech Republic.
Where to see Ondřej?
Keynote: ESG management solution a jak bude vypadat nefinanční reporting po roce 2025
12:00 - 12:10 PM
Panel Discussion: Sustainability and Corporate Finance: Navigating ESG Factors in Investments
12:20 - 13:05 PM