Karla is a management consultant and a project manager professional with over
11 years of experience across process design and improvement, information
systems management, change management, and environmental sustainability.
Karla currently leads and drives the strategy & portfolio of projects related to
Scope 3 targets and ambitions at Novartis, as Head PMO Environmental
Sustainability and a member of the Global Environmental Sustainability Office.
Also, at Novartis, she led multi-disciplinary project teams, facilitating change in a
heavily networked environment in various management consulting roles of
increasing responsibility across multiple business functions.
Before joining Novartis, Karla worked as the Process and Organizational Design Manager in a financial institution, where she led multiple performance improvement projects enterprise-wide, as well as the design and implementation of new financial services. She was also an independent Management Consultant at the National Emergency System in the Dominican Republic, leading the design and implementation of its IT processes and services. Karla holds an Industrial Engineering degree and a Specialization in Information Systems Management from the University of Technology of Santo Domingo (INTEC). Karla also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Wolverhampton.
Before joining Novartis, Karla worked as the Process and Organizational Design Manager in a financial institution, where she led multiple performance improvement projects enterprise-wide, as well as the design and implementation of new financial services. She was also an independent Management Consultant at the National Emergency System in the Dominican Republic, leading the design and implementation of its IT processes and services. Karla holds an Industrial Engineering degree and a Specialization in Information Systems Management from the University of Technology of Santo Domingo (INTEC). Karla also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Wolverhampton.
Naším posláním je objevovat nové metody léčby, abychom zlepšili a prodloužili lidské životy. Používáme inovativní vědecké a technologické postupy k hledání odpovědí na závažné zdravotní otázky, které trápí moderní společnost.
Objevujeme a vyvíjíme průlomové léčby a zkoumáme nové cesty, jak je dostat k co nejvíce pacientům, kteří tyto léčby potřebují. Naše léčivé přípravky jsou dostupné ve 155 zemích světa. Naší vizí je být důvěryhodným partnerem v oblasti vývoje a výroby léčiv. Klademe důraz na etické a čestné jednání se zaměstnanci, obchodními partnery, vládními orgány, pacienty a veřejnost
Objevujeme a vyvíjíme průlomové léčby a zkoumáme nové cesty, jak je dostat k co nejvíce pacientům, kteří tyto léčby potřebují. Naše léčivé přípravky jsou dostupné ve 155 zemích světa. Naší vizí je být důvěryhodným partnerem v oblasti vývoje a výroby léčiv. Klademe důraz na etické a čestné jednání se zaměstnanci, obchodními partnery, vládními orgány, pacienty a veřejnost
Supplier Engagement in Sustainability (EN)
Supplier Engagement in Sustainability (EN)
June 22nd 2022
10:23 - 10:33 CET
10:23 - 10:33 CET

Karla Pešek Mateo
Head PMO of Environmental Sustainability - Scope 3 at Novartis